scratch war

Press the Arrow keys to move Press SPACE to FIRE Press Z and JUMP Press SPACE BAAR to skip to the intro

Melting of the Winter Gears

The night is cold, but good company and words will lift our spirits. The storm can’t reach here. You can see how the snowflakes melt on the windows. The wind ceases to breathe with just a whisper
It seems as though the entire world has gone silent.Read More

Nirvana (Elerethe)

Nirvana will have players play the role of a scientist in a space station. His death was caused by an explosion. The environment is so hostile that any living organism can not survive for more than 10 seconds. The system can provide unlimited clone body to… Read More

Battle of The Squares

This is a game Highly inspired by Dani’s Fair n Square:

Windjammers 2

Windjammers is back with a sequel to its legendary disc-throwing game!

Windjammers 2 will bring back everything that fans loved about Windjammersand add 2D animations. This creates the best windjamming experience. New stages, players and new… Read More


Unity was my first experience with Unity…
I am trying to find new ways of learning…
The next thing I will do is to remake the game.

Happy Broken Game

This simple prototype was created in order to evaluate 2D platform games mechanics.
Find all stars and explore the world to make progress. Be aware of your enemies and health!
You can use WASD keys for movement, jump and interaction. :D
PS:… Read More

Car Racing (Tekler)

This simple racing game lets you race against your friends to earn the highest scores.

Dusk Diver 2

This is the sequel to Ximending, the action-packed Ximending game!
You will find new characters You can see new scenes. You can customize your scene!
The all-new Dusk Diver 2 is here! !
Yang Yumo is a student at college with a part-time,… Read More